Explore The Best Plugins And Woocommerce Extensions

For WordPress & WooCommerce

Convert image format,optimize the size of image

jpg-to-webp-converter Plugin

Automatically convert the jpg image to WebP format when you upload it to the WordPress media library. After activation, no other action need. If you don’t want to create it by yourself, you can download it here for free.

Edit the storefront them footer text by this plugin

Store Front Footer Text Plugin

Remove the default storefront footer credit text.  Edit your footer credit texts” built with storefront&WooCommerce” from the footer of the WooCommerce storefront theme. You can also add your own footer credit. 

Backup and migrate your WordPress website easily

All-in-one WP Migration  6.77

Version 6.77, allows you to migrate your WordPress site with a size less than 512 MB. The latest version only allows 128MB. Users can edit the Plugin snippet to increase the file size up to 10 GB. 

Customize the order status of WooCommerce Store

Woo Order Statuses Manager 

Create order slug for WooCommerce store orders. Add Shipped, In Transit tag to the order status drop-down Menu. Inform your customer with the latest status of their orders.

1-Click Generate Shortcode for Coupon Copy

Copy-to-Clipboard Coupon Shortcode

Add copy-to-clipboard shortcode in WooCommerce website. 1 click to generate shortcode to insert the coupon copy-to-clipboard button to any place you want to display the coupon code. Make it more convenient for you to start the promotion and improve user friendly of your website.

Add your brand logo to WordPress Login Page

Customize WordPress Login page Logo

Upload your own brand logo to replace the WordPress logo in the WordPress login page. Make your website more professional and build the confidence of your customer. You can customize the width and length of the logo at the setting of the plugin. The plugin is light weight and powerful to use

Bulk Delete Spam Users

Bulk Delete Spam Users Plugin

Save time when deleting flooded spam users on the WordPress Website. Quickly and efficiently bulk deletes spam ad users. Delete different groups of spam users by filtering their user roles, preventing accidental deletion of legitimate users.

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